Alright. I decided I want to do a bit more than just a static website, so for 2018 I decided to start blogging. These posts will mostly be aimed at my current clients, and companies and/or people interested in web design and digital marketing, but also some more tech-heavy articles for the web design community that I’ve learned so much from.
As we’re opening 2018, I thought it’d be fun to start with a “Trends to expect” post. Web design isn’t exacly a static profession, so it doesn’t really stick to years, but I’ll be focusing on things to come or things that grew in 2017 and will continue to grow. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Asymmetrical grids
After sticking to safe grid-based systems in design and development; designers can now literally go “outside of the box” and use more creativity when designing websites. I’m particularly excited for this one and can’t wait to apply it.
Animations everywhere!
“Hero”-videos have been used frequently over the last years. Recently, more designers have started moving to the less data-hungry animations. As browser technologies get more advanced, more techniques are available for creating animations that don’t eat up bandwidth or processor speed.
Vibrant colors
The time that we had to stick to “web safe colors” is long gone. 2017 paved the way for more colorful websites, and we’ll keep getting more creative. Bigger and bolder!
Which leads me to…
Big, bold fonts & typography
This is one that’s continuing from 2017. Thanks to the huge increase in freely available fonts (such as Google Fonts), I don’t see this one going anywhere anytime soon. It’s a great way to capture the attention from your visitor and send a strong message about your company.
True mobile-first
2017 was the year that mobile internet usage overtook desktop usage, and 2018 will be the year where we’ll truly will be focusing on mobile-first experience. The term “mobile first design” has been around for quite a while, but now also user experience will be a high priority for web design.